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This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Command & Conquer: Red Alert for PC.If you've discovered a cheat you'd like to add to the page, or have a. Red alert 2 free download - Red Alert 2: Apocalypse, Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 1.006 patch, Command & Conquer Red Alert 2 Overkill Mod, and many more programs.
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Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PC cheats we have available for Command & Conquer: Red Alert.
Search for the file called rules.ini, open it andedit it and you can do anything, such as tanksthat shoot with a cruisers range.
Detect Enemy Mines

I have found out that your mine layers cannot runover enemy mines. Nor do Tanks run over Anti-Personnel mines, and vice-versa. So then if yousee your mine layer not going over a certainarea, even though you tell it to, there is anenemy mine waiting there.
Command And Conquer Red Alert 1 For Mac
Conditions: you are on an island map in skirmishmode.If your computer opponent is on his own island dothis: get a bunch of cruisers and a transportwith 1 cheap infantry troop on it and go up tohis coast. Station the Cruisers along the coastand unload the transport. All of the computersmen will rush your infantry troop, but yourcruisers will wreak havoc on them! Overall it is1 man for a score of tanks!
Build a Ore Refinery, place it. Make another onebut don't place it yet. Be sure to have room nextto the 1st refinery first. Next sell therefinery, then quickly plce the other refinerynext to where the 1st one was, soon, money willroll in, until you can't get anymore! and nosilos needed.
How To Get Soviet And Allied Tehnology (In Multiplayer)
Pick either Allied or Soviet technolgy and and ally with someone different in technology than you are (if your allied ally with a soviet). Then get a tank to fire on the building you want to take over and take your engineers(4) and click on the building you want to take over. P.S Take over the construction yard and the war factory and you can get there technology.
Free Sonar Pulse
Well, sort of sonar pulse. You can find enemy subs by selecting a naval unitsuch as a transport and moving the cursor over the water areas on the map (notthe main screen). If you get an 'I can't move here' icon then there is asubmarine there.
Stuck infantry
When you sell a structure you sometimes get infantry for free. These men walk out of the building as it is sold, but sometimes walk out of the top of the building and standon top of a wall. At this point the wall cannot be sold and the infantry cannot be moved. Massive throwing range:If you select a grenadier and tell him to force fire on somewhere nearby he will start the throwing sequence. Just as he is about to let go of the grenade force fire on something a long way away. The grenade will land at the new position. This allows you to throw grenades the entire distance of the screen!
No Need To Store Ore
Whenever you start buildinga structure or unit the money for it comes fromany stored ore before draining your cashresources. However, if you cancel the buildingbe refunded the cost so far in cash no matterwhat was used to pay for it. So there is no realneed for silos.
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Free Troops (Counterstrike And The Aftermath Mission Discs)
Build a missile silo and wait until a missile is ready to be launched. Then, sellthe silo and immediately launch the missile. When timed correctly, the sale willbe aborted and men will exit the silo.
Tesla Tanks (Counterstrike Mission Disc)
Begin a game in skirmish or multi-player mode. Choose to be France and achieve atech level of 7 or greater. Then, hold [Shift] and click on the radar jammer icon.

Giant Ant Missions (Counterstrike Mission Disc)
On the title screen, hold [Left Shift], then use the Left Mouse Button to selectthe round speaker.
Selling Tanks & Harvesters

If you want to sell your vehicles, like the onesyou don't want or you are out of money and needthat last little bit then this is the code foryou. Here is what you do: build a Repair Facilityand drive a tank or vehicle onto it and while itis on the very edge put the sell button on it andit will sell. (The sell icon will be green if youcatch it at the right time.) My suggestion is tohave the sell button ready.
Run the game with the following command line parameter(s):
Red Alert 1 For Mac
Cruiser/Transport Cheat & APC/Tank Cheat
Cruisers and other naval units can move at the same speed as a transport ifgrouped together and then placed in formation (press 'F' while grouped). Westwoodacknowledged this and then told everyone that there is the same problem with theAPC and ground vehicles.
We have no unlockables for Command & Conquer: Red Alert yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
Red Alert 1 Free Mac
We have no easter eggs for Command & Conquer: Red Alert yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
We have no glitches for Command & Conquer: Red Alert yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: Roger Wong.Read the full guide...
We have no achievements or trophies for Command & Conquer: Red Alert yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.
C&C breaks time and introduces Tesla Coils, Tanya, and time travel. There's never been a better time to play Red Alert Online.
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Red Alert 1 Cheats Mac
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