Mac Or Pc For Design

Mac or PC for College?
Which Laptop Is Best for the College Student

There is no longer any reason to consider Mac the default option for graphic design. Long-time Mac users also frequently cite usability as a Mac advantage. In most cases, usability comes down to what you're used to, however. Many designers switch between the two platforms with no trouble.

You’re getting ready to head to college. And, your laptop is giving you trouble. The memory is low. It’s outdated. You found out you need a new motherboard.

  1. I'm a programmer and I dabble in graphic design from time to time when designing flyers or websites. I personally prefer mac to PC mainly for the multi screen feature. I'm not exactly sure what it's called, but I find it really useful to have photoshop up on one screen and Google on the other, and then be able to swipe between them.
  2. While Mac hardware and software is denoted by its stability, the difference here has lessened. The odds of getting a virus or malware with a PC remain higher than with a Mac, but this is more about the numbers game than technology. About 7.5% of the computers in use are Mac, according to IDC, so hackers spend more time and creativity attacking PCs.

Or maybe you’re just one of those people who has to have what’s new and are ready for an upgrade. The new Windows and Mac laptops have made their debut, and you’re wondering whether to buy a Mac or PC for college?

In this article, you’ll learn the advantages and disadvantages of Macs and PCs. Whether you’re a freshman or a senior, here are the facts you need to know as Mac and PC go toe-to-toe.

Which One Offers the Better Price?

It’s no secret that an Apple laptop costs more money than Windows. But many Mac lovers say it’s worthy of the higher price tag. On the other hand, PC guys and girls would tell you not to waste the money.

Apple computers are more stylish in appearance. Their design is sleek and clean. But looks aren’t the only thing that makes people want to pay more for Apple laptops. They’re also easier to maintain.

Mac or pc for graphic design 2020

You don’t have to worry about root directories and other technical tasks necessary to maintain the PC. The PC takes more computer experience, but the Mac is so easy a grandparent can learn it. Children already know it! The other thing: it syncs with your iPhone and iPad.

These aspects are why people are willing to pay more money for a more attractive and easier-to-operate machine. Of course, it depends on your budget. If you’re footing the bill for college, you might want to save your money and go with a PC.

But, if you have wealthy parents who want to get the computer you want, you might want to buy a Mac because you think it’s a better investment.

Mac Vs. PC: How Does Battery Life Compare?

With midterms and finals around the corner, there’s no time to worry about where to find an outlet in a crowded cafeteria, library, or coffee shop. If you’re out of juice because you’ve been on campus all day, then that’s a problem.

You need a battery that lasts. School is stressful enough around exam time. You don’t want your computer to add more stress to your life.

While some Windows models have a long battery life like the Asus ZenBook 14 or the ThinkPad, many PC models fall short when comparing their battery to Apple. The powerful and long-lasting batteries in the MacBook Pro and MacBook Air take the prize, offering between 10-13 hours of battery life.

MacBooks work well with all of their components. This differs from Windows and is why Mac leaves Windows at the gate with a dead battery.

If you buy a PC, keep in mind your charge may only last six hours, so you may be scouring around campus looking for power options.

Compatibility on Campus

College campuses equip themselves to accommodate PCs and Macs. If for some reason your campus doesn’t accommodate both computer systems, you have your answer.

But, if you’re an engineering student or major in a technical subject that’s not design-based you’ll probably be working in a PC environment. Your department may even use Internet Explorer for projects. But can you download internet explorer on a Mac?

Mac Or Pc For Design

If you’re not a wizard at the computer, you might want to base your decision on your college campus’s technical support staff. Does your school have way more PC technical support than the Mac?

This could be a deciding factor and can leave you behind if you make the wrong choice. However, if the IT support team specializes in Apple computers, you should probably buy a Mac if you don’t have the learning curve. It would simplify things since PCs tend to be more complex in their technology.

Another compatibility issue to consider is filing transfer compatibility. Although compatibility has come a long way between programs and files, sometimes PC and Mac file extensions don’t play well together. This could cause a problem for Mac users if most people use PCs.

Internet Security

When it comes to malware, computer viruses, and spyware, PC users are hit all the time. The PC computer keeps hackers and Internet security companies in business with all the attacks on its systems. And, the need to develop defenders to ward them off.

The Relationship Between the PC and Security

The reason why PCs are targeted more frequently is that more computer users own a PC. In fact, 88.7% of computer users have a PC to be exact. While only 10% of the population owns an Apple. This makes being the underdog a better option causing fewer headaches.

But, on the other hand, Microsoft works hard to keep Windows environments more secure than its former versions. But internet predators still work just as hard to hack into systems and infect them with viruses, malware, spyware, and ransomware.

Mac Or Pc For Design

But although Macs are safer, no computer is totally safe from threats. So it’s always critical to run anti-virus software on the Mac to keep viruses away as best as you can.

Mac Or Pc For Graphic Design

Which Platform Is Better for Design?

If you’re studying art or design in school–whether it be fashion design at F.I.T. or animation at NYU, a Mac computer is the industry standard. Your classrooms will have Macs, your internship company will use Macs, and you’ll use Macs all through your profession.

Apple was originally designed for artists and designers. It continues to be the computer platform of choice for design, although some say the PC is not far behind.

This has been an age-old debate for the longest time. What platform should designers use for their work? Why do we care? Can the equipment you choose make a difference in your work? There are many questions to ask and plenty of definite answers. The age old debate over Mac Vs PC will be solved by the end of this article.

I have been in the design field for a few years. The reason I know the answer to this is due to the fact that I was around when print was still dominant. Just a few years ago, web designers and developers and print designers were divided. When you graduated from college, you could look for a design job without any knowledge of the web. Now, that just isn’t the case. Back in the days when print and web professionals were divided, publishing software was mainly created for the mac platform. There really wasn’t a Mac vs PC debate. You could still get it for a PC, but is was considered and taught in school that the industry standard was to use a Mac for your design work. The institutions trained us to work on Mac as opposed to PC, because they were supposedly built with more robust hardware than most PCs.


It really depends on your point of view. A few years ago Apple produced their own processors, which in my honest opinion, were much more powerful than the PCs of their time. Don’t get me wrong, I have owned the best of PC and the best of Mac. Back then there was a real difference between the two. I could work all day and my Mac wouldn’t slow down or become bogged down. I could work on a PC and experience lag, bugs, and slower processing.

Mac Or Pc For Industrial Design

Now, however, Macs and PCs are both made with Intel processors, so there really is no difference in terms of hardware. I am a die hard Apple fan, and I will tell you that hardware-wise, Apple and PCs are built similarly. Apple boosts its hardware with add-ons, such as Thunderbolt ports, Retina displays, and other bells and whistles, but you could always make the same additions to your PC. The only difference between the two is the operating system.

The operating systems for mac and PC are vastly different. You can still perform the same actions, you simply use Ctrl on a PC instead of Command or the Apple key. They both are basically the same operationally, just Apple has beefed their operating system up with extra functions add-on software. Mountain Lion is supposed to make things easy for the user, but there really isn’t anything you can do with a Mac that you can’t do with a PC.

Personally I like Apple, because I have a set workflow that I use. I have a backup procedure in place, and I am just comfortable and confident with how things are set up. I have a 1.5TB Seagate Portable Hare Drive set up for automatic backup via Time Machine. I have enough to keep up with. Not having to remember to back everything up is a plus. It helps me keep my focus on work, and not so much on maintenance.

Someone else might have their own automatic backup setup on a PC. I am not so dense that I think that Apple has the only automatic backup program. If it isn’t built in natively, I’m sure that software comes with most hard drives. I just told you what I do to illustrate what works for me.

People are just passionate about their brands. I know a few of my father’s friends that are die hard motor heads, and they’ve almost gotten in fist fights over which is better, Chevy or Ford. One reason that we take it so personally is because it is a personal matter. That’s why I don’t talk politics with people. People consider it an insult when you don’t see their point of view. This is especially the case when they are passionate about their products. Mac vs PC is no different. People have used them for years, they have come to depend on them, and they trust them. They have also probably been burned by the competition in some manner. Personally, I have had PCs stop working inexplicably, and I have even had one completely die. After having to fix my wife’s PC over and over again, I use Apple, because for me, things run much smoother. The next person might hate Apple, because a logic board went out and they had to pay $900 to replace it because their computer was out of warranty. Brand loyalty is subjective.

So what is the answer to the Mac Vs PC debate? Which one should you use if you want to be the best designer out there? Well, here’s your answer: Either one you damn well please. There, I said it. I guess they’d call this a pipe bomb (not really). I love Apple and think they are the best. I am entitled to my opinion. Do I think Apple makes me a better designer? No, it actually has nothing to do with anything. No piece of equipment on Earth is going to make you a better designer. You do that through experience and having a knack for problem solving. No matter how much you cradle your $2500 Macbook Pro or your 6GB Alienware Laptop in your arms and sleep with it under your pillow at night, it will never make you any better at design.

Your computer is a tool. You manipulate it. It doesn’t manipulate you. Whatever you use, you make sure that it works for you. If you like PCs and you work better on a PC, great! Let’s see what you can do with it. If you work better on a Mac Pro with Dual 30″ Monitors, have at it. Whatever you choose, make sure that it is a solid work horse computer that is stable and won’t hinder you from getting the job done.

Mac Or Pc Computers For Graphic Design 2018

The Truth of it all is that Mac Vs PC all boils down to preference. I prefer Photoshop. I love Photoshop like one of my own children. I’m just glad I don’t have to feed it. On the other hand, some other people swear by Pixelmator. Fantastic! If you can create something amazing with Pixelmator, then do it and make a huge amount of money with it. That is what makes you unique as a designer. Use your Mac, use your PC, use your iPad and SketchBookPro, use your bricks and a stick. Whatever you use, if it works for you, use it and stop listening to everyone else about why you should use something else.

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I hope not. The same could be applied to other arguments, such as Nikon vs Canon (Cameras), or Canon vs Epson(Printers). It really doesn’t matter. Each company has their strengths and weaknesses. All that matters is that you can work around them to make something great. All of this debating back and forth or Mac vs PC is a waste of time. This time is the same time that you could be spending to develop the next Instagram and make a billion dollars from it. Fighting arbitrary fights like Mac vs PC makes us lose focus on our careers and our clients. I don’t know about you, but I have enough stress in my life. There are more interesting things to debate other than hardware. Mac vs PC is essentially irrelevant.

Pc Or Mac For Graphic Design

So what do you think? Have I settled the Mac vs PC debate? Why don’t you add your two cents in the comments section below.