When the download is complete, your Mac automatically opens the disk image for you. The disk image actually looks like a folder. Inside this folder, you see a number of files, including python.mpkg. The python.mpkg file is the one that contains the Python application. The text files contain information about the build, licensing, and any late. Python is also usable as an extension language for applications that need a programmable interface.The Python implementation is portable: it runs on many brands of UNIX, on Windows, DOS, OS/2, Mac.
Python can be a great tool for Search Marketers allowing us to automate repetitive tasks and work with large data sets to analyse trends. This is ideal for marketing industries such as automotive and retail due to it’s saturation. If you’re new to python, there are a number of different issues you might run into even when setting up your environments. Below is one of the most common, highly relevant if you’re working through a guide or textbook such as Automate The Boring Stuff
If you’d like to discover what else python can do for you, such as how to get root domain from URL, make sure to check out our blog.
Import module works in Terminal but not in IDLE
When using python in IDLE on Mac, each python installation has it’s own …/lib/site-packages for 3rd party modules. Depending on your installation method (using the regular pip install package-name
) terminal won’t allow you to import them when using IDLE.
This isn’t ideal, as there are a number of different libraries you won’t be able to live without – luckily this is easy to solve.
How to import Modules to IDLE on MAC
Locate the system path
Open Terminal and Enter…
Test if working
Enter “import sys; sys.executable
” into your IDLE shell.
This will give you your file path which will be needed in terminal, see step 1 image below.
python-path -m pip install package-name
This, for example, will install the Matplotlib plotting library
Terminal will now install, and your modules will work within IDLE. While this isn’t the most future-proofed way of doing things, it does allow you to get back to programming without having to worry.
Further information on IDLE
what is IDLE python?
IDLE stands for Integrated Development and Learning Environment. IDLE is essentially a simple IDE (Integrated Development Environment), suitable for Python novices and beginners, often used for educational purposes.
While IDLE is a great place to start, other IDEs offer far more functionality. My personal favourite is Pycharm made by JetBrain, I’d recommend giving it a try as it integrates tools and libraries such as NumPy and Matplotlib while also supporting other widely used programming languages.
Images for reference
Idle Tutorial Python For Mac
Step 1
Step 2
Idle Python For Mac
*I already have the library installed so the requirements are already satisfied